Tuesday, January 31, 2006
sa, you are damn best.... i think if i were you i'll just hide face, find a hole and bury myself in and stay there for about hundred years.... oh i think i'm going to join touch rugby, cause i want to do other things besides canoeing and homework in school.... i couldn't sleep last night, but in the few minutes that i did, i had a weird dream, about sa... here goes: the scene: sa's new house that is supposed to be in australia, but somehow turns out to be in s'pore, and its quite dilapidated.( i dunno why). We were going to bid sa farewell in the house not at the airport. i also remember her giving mx and i her new home number in australia, and strange enough, it starts with a 6 too! like in s'pore! i think its 6250011............... i can't remember the rest, but its very long... extremely stupid la! i really miss going out with you, like tha numerous shopping trips over the past year or 2 ending with me not buying anything and you broke. sigh. oh how was the visit to mr ng's house yesterday? did mx go? sa, hows cny in australia? your grandparents+ uncle and auntie are there right???
sighing that tmr there's school...
Written on 9:45 AM
Monday, January 30, 2006
haha sa! you are hilarious man! wish i was in aust man. it's a pity u cant celebrate cny with us or go for anymore hotel stays! but we're really looking forward to seeing u at the end of the year! anyways pls take care of yourself ya.. how is it like without ur maid ah? and hoes ur baby brother? can walk already?
o ya, results are on the 10th Feb. so u want us to collect it for u? all of us are damn scared man, u're so lucky, the results does not confirm your fate while our entire lives depend on that stupid piece of paper!
God bless u always. remember to help your mom ya? and look after your siblings. we miss u and love u loads
BIG hug
-mx the canoeist wannabe
Written on 10:46 AM
Sunday, January 29, 2006
HEY ALL!!GONG XI FA CAI!WAN SHI RU YI!NIAN NIAN YOU YU!XUE YUE JING BU!SHEN TI JIAN KANG!LIU LIU DA SHUN!and lastly,GOU NIAN XING DA YUN!okay. that was just to take up space. well, it's new year now. *hurray!*when are we lao-ing the yu sheng we bought? durig hotel? not sure if i can go. i'm hungry now.anyway, i hope everyone is adapting fine to whatever environment they're in. haha.Sa, lol! you're so funny. first day and you embarrassed yourself like that! haha! but you sound like you're fitting in fine. the people there seem real nice! good for you sa. hope chinese new year there will be fun too. tell us how you celebrated k!kel, you're still in australia yes? bring some hot guys home if you actually read this! haha. take a detour to HK and bring julian and eddie(nao's uncle back)!okay la. i hope everyone enjoys the new year! have fun. hope everyone gets loads of ang pow or however you spell that.ocne again,GONG XI GONG XI!hugs&kisses+loads of love,pam
Written on 1:20 AM
Saturday, January 28, 2006
haha!!!! i love blue... next time it'll be in purple.... yesterday was damn fun.... but minus 2 roses sigh.... its new year's eve and i'm stuck at home!!! are you having renunion dinner there sa??? i had already been planning to go on a vcd marathon this 4-5 day holiday, but the player had to conk out!!! argh!! :( but i guess its a blessing in disguise as my dad is gg to get a new one with dvd functions... haha.... everyone, 1,2,3 cheer!!!! anyway, sa, i miss teasing and scolding you already... sigh... life's quite boring now... whats without weekly swimming sessions.... and oh, aly, your song is so "retarded".... sigh.... :) i'm gg to die with homework ald, i noe cannot compare to cj ppl, but let me complain pls??? (aly rolls her eyes now) sa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (you're not deaf yet right) how i wish you could be with us for our next hotel stay.......... boo!!!! i hope i wont put on too much weight during cny, gg to take height and weight on fri.... ok... back to e books.... see ya again....
Written on 2:08 PM
Friday, January 27, 2006
Omg! Today was the most embarassing day of my life man. U see I went to my new school today thinking it was some kind of 2 hr orientation for the new girls gg to that school, and according to my mum, the letter they sent me said that I did not have to wear my school uniform. So I went to school at 9am in my own casual clothes and when i got there, I found out that all the other year 11's were alr there in their school uniforms and that all the year 11's had to be in school until 3.15 pm to have some big sister little sister thing where we are paired off with the year 7's(sec1) and kind of be a buddy to them.It was really embarrassing man cos we were supposed to prepare a gift for our little sister but since i knew nothing about it I had nothing to give her luckily my teacher later gave me a card just before meeting our little sisiters so I had to scribble something down at the last minute and it was crap man. I felt so sorry for my little sis for being paired up with me cos I couldn't even give her a tour of the school, but luckily my friend came to my rescue. Haha. I even had to explain to everybody why i was dressed in home clothes and luckily nobody seemed to mind and the teachers were quite nice too. They were having some kind of reception for teachers only but when they found out I hadn't brought any lunch with me and since the canteen was closed, they gave me some of their chicken and sandwiches to eat.Thank goodness for tt man otherwise i would have starved man especially since I didn't eat breakfastcos I was rushing. haha. K so anyway, the school's alright la. It looks like a castle from the outside but the inside's not tt great la.The classrooms are really stuffy with no fans or air cons. There are 4 year 11 classes with like 20ppl per class and we have to go to different rooms for different lessons so we are hardly in our homerooms.It's kind of like JC I guess. So... my school's officially starting on mon and there's no CNY holidays here:( sigh. But anywayz HAPPY BELATED B'DAY NAO! Hope u had a great 17th birthday and HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! miss ya!
Luv Sa
Written on 6:31 PM

happy birthday naomi!
Written on 12:14 AM
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Prepare for a nostalgic post. A conversation between pam and I. It got me crying, slightly...if there was no one at home I would probably end up keening(remember this word? i think it's spelt like that.) haha. Just wanna let you guys know how we feel.
pam says:
i miss all your teasing now that i dont hear it everyday
celine- don't you dare. says:
celine- don't you dare. says:
i miss your stupidity too
celine- don't you dare. says:
aye this sucks la
pam says:
pam says:
what sucks?
celine- don't you dare. says:
i dunno
celine- don't you dare. says:
it's kinda differrent
celine- don't you dare. says:
yet not so different
celine- don't you dare. says:
pam says:
i know
pam says:
its like you still know your friends but you dont see them everyday anymore
pam says:
like last time
pam says:
yet it feels like you see them alot when you actually see them only very little?
pam says:
i dont knowleh
celine- don't you dare. says:
celine- don't you dare. says:
i dunno
celine- don't you dare. says:
stop it
celine- don't you dare. says:
i hate this topic
pam says:
me too
celine- don't you dare. says:
but it's wad i think abt almost everyday
pam says:
pam says:
i dunno but sometimes i think i'm emotionally detatched
pam says:
alot of things im suppose dto feel sad about i just feel so extremely numb.
celine- don't you dare. says:
me too
celine- don't you dare. says:
i dunno why
celine- don't you dare. says:
i'm beginning to think of things i shudn't think of
pam says:
i go on with my life like nth is happening when i know that it isnt what i aways wanted it to be
pam says:
like what things?
celine- don't you dare. says:
like...oh no here we go again
celine- don't you dare. says:
how life will be in 3 years times
celine- don't you dare. says:
whether i'm gonna die tmr or not
pam says:
sigh..i know!!
celine- don't you dare. says:
what will happen when someone dies in my family
pam says:
omg that is so true
celine- don't you dare. says:
like how different it's gonna be
pam says:
okay stop stop stopsopt
celine- don't you dare. says:
oh shit
pam says:
pam says:
i dont wanna hear anymore
pam says:
its one think when i think about it but when you say it out its just you know..
celine- don't you dare. says:
i know
celine- don't you dare. says:
celine- don't you dare. says:
i hate this la
celine- don't you dare. says:
if only we were back in ij
celine- don't you dare. says:
things would still have seem the same
celine- don't you dare. says:
at least i feel good there
celine- don't you dare. says:
life i've been there my whole life
pam says:
i feel more secure there
celine- don't you dare. says:
pam says:
it feel sso awfully familiar
pam says:
like home!
pam says:
oh stop
pam says:
i feel like ing
celine- don't you dare. says:
there it seems like nothing will change
celine- don't you dare. says:
shit i wanna cry
celine- don't you dare. says:
pam says:
yeah like i will have all my friends for life
celine- don't you dare. says:
pam says:
now im scared everyone will forget everyone cos we are all too caught up with all the insignificant things
celine- don't you dare. says:
like i see the faces i see everyday
celine- don't you dare. says:
celine- don't you dare. says:
celine- don't you dare. says:
i'm really gonna cry
I can't imagine how it's gonna be like years from now. It seems that the years in IJ would be the most wonderful years in my life. The upcoming results would not only mean that we'll probably be moving on to our new JC/Poly/Australia lives, it also means breaking away from IJ.
We will no longer be wearing the IJ uniform. A uniform I've come to be so familiar with. A uniform which I've spent 10 years of my life in. I'll be reminded when I see my sisters in their uniforms, and the school opposite my house, and the no-longer-in-use IJ uniform hanging in the cupboard, of the wonderful memories there- from primary school all the way to secondary school. The things I've learnt, the teachers I had. It's hard to break away from this sense of security, this second home I had since i was was 6. This would probably be the best part of my life. The most unforgetable. The most memorable.
I'm missing IJ loads and you guys too.
I can't continue this post.
I can't stop my tears from falling.
I can't break away.
-a very sentimental celine-
Written on 2:25 PM
helllllo???? ok this is probably one of the very few times i'll be posting or even seeing the blog so yeah...i am really not used to blog yeah so, by the way aly and cel are pressuring me to type this so i shall drag this out. anyway, hoping all u people are adjusting fine to jc, i'm just told that everyone wrote that. oh yeah there was a very interesting accident just now outside cj... a car ended up in the drain, and btw this is not a newspaper report. now we're discussing various car accidents... so exciting. oh yeah, kel take care down under... cel's thinking sick.. remember to come back ah! k have to go to class... bleah. C ya take care all!
Love, Nao the deprived
Written on 7:15 AM
LOL! aly the song is really funny!
i've got nothing much to say. i'm just missing everyone alot right now!!
kel& sa, i hope you guys enjoy yourself loads and loads. must tc!
okay.. so late already and "The Nanny" is starting.
i really miss everyone a great deal! i wish we could have a rg outing! all 8 of us. =(
nvm. we should be happy so =)
love loads,
Written on 12:08 AM
Monday, January 23, 2006

I don't want a lot for Christmas(new year)
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents(ang baos)
Underneath the Christmas tree(red latterns)
I just want you(rg) for my own
More than you(rg) could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you(rg)
I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
And I don't care about the presents(ang baos)
Underneath the Christmas tree (red lanterns)
I don't need to hang my stockingT (oranges)
here upon the fireplaceS (old cracked walls)
Santa Claus (married couples) won't make me happy
With a(n) toy(ang bao) on Christmas day
I just want you(rg) for my own
More than you(rg) could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas(new yr) is you(rg)
I won't ask for much this Christmas(new yr)
I won't even wish for snow(prosperity)
And I, I just wanna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe (wherever)
I won't make a list and send it
To the North Pole(china) for St. Nick(God of wealth)
I won't even stay awake
To hear(count) those magic reindeer click(new $2 notes)
Cause I just want you(rg) here tonight
Holding onto me so tight
What more can I doOh baby,
all I want for Christmas is you(rg)
All the (red) lights are shining
So brightly everywhere
And the sound of childrens' (sick CNY songs)
Laughter fills the air
And everyone is singing (smiling forcefully just to get an angbao)
I hear those sleigh bells (mad drivers) ringing(horning)
Santa (god of wealth) won't you bring me
The one I really need
Won't you please bring my baby (rg) to me,
quicklyI don't want a lot for Christmas(new yr)
This is all I'm asking for
I just wanna see my baby(rg)
Standing right outside my door
I just want you (rg) for my own
More than you (rg) could ever know
Make my wish come trueBaby, all I want for Christmas is youAll I want for Christmas is you, baby..
Written on 11:40 PM
hey!! im back to blogg again! okayy..the weather is getting hot already...probably the same as s'pore, about 32 degrees during the day. hmmm..guess you guys are haaving a hard time in jc? well....think you all might just have to get used to jc life. that's the path yall chose so yeah....gotta try to live with it for 2 yrs plus mayb??? hahas...mayb 2 mths later you'll probably hear me complaining about poly too. but hey, at least you guys have some pple that you know in the same school okayy... and i dont.... anyway, your CCAs sounds fun man! wad are you guys in anyway? aly and nao? havent heard them blogg at all... oh...and pam's in band???? cool. (she's probably hoping that someday she'll get to play a song for her darling julian..lalala..)
there is quite a lot of stuff to shop here after all. BUT...only if you are rich. cuz some of the stuff here gets quite expensive. mayb you can get some cheap stuff if you know where to find them. and yeah...the pple here are very friendly. they joke with you most of the time. so sasa..dont worry you'll get to meet new frenz...
ok i gotta go! bye and tc! love you all!
Written on 5:18 PM
Sunday, January 22, 2006
ooooooooooh! im so outdated. didn't readit for so long didn't realise sa and ghis blogged!!
sa, it's nice to hear that australia is fun and isn't so bad. i think you'll fit in fine there la. no worries=) we're missing you though.
sigh. results are coming soon=( i kind of wanna know but at the same time i dont wanna know. nvm. no use worrying. CNY's coming soon. yay! at least there's smth to look forward too.
oh well. i'm bored but i have nth much more to say. so byeeeeee. love you all!
Written on 10:32 PM
hey guys hi!!! this is e first time i'm doing this k.... aly, mx, sa, and eveyone else cheer!!! yay!!! ok... i'm currently deciding wat cca to join and am facing a crossroad. my 3 options are touch rugby, canoeing and outdoor... i really like canoeing, a went for 1 training and though it was tough and streneous, i came out of it feeling self-satisfied and excited. however, the sadist coach recently introduced a new training format, of 6 days water and land training at macritchieon top of 3 days morning training + sunday morning training, and its not even competition period yet! although you have have to go for 3 out of the 6 days, but the whole team is so serious that you'll feel obliged to go for more... i jus came back from oac camp, its ok, but i think too slack for me. and it involved my greatest fear... heights!!!! we did a trek io think equivalent of big walk distance with uneven terrain, up slope and down slope around the sicc, macritchie and finally ending at bukit timah. worse, they confiscated 1 ez-link card from the whole group, so we could only take 1 bus ride. it was amazing race style.... solving clues and all that, so we also ran here and there. "mad ah! whats tis???" said aly... haha... touch rug is ok... but i still prefer canoeing.... so ya... i dunno what to choose. i signed up for h3 star, its a research programme done at h3 level... and a maldives overseas cip trip, but i dunno whether i'll be able to get in a not. if i do the research programme, i'll not be able to do anymore h3 subjects next year anymore.... i heard the fencing attire costs $70! like a bit ex right???? fine sa, i'm a cs... take care of that knee mx, all that running is going to damage it... sa, send us some pics of your school, house etc la... wats the use of a digi cam... i jus got a new pair of sandles, the go out kind,not swimming kind. speaking of swimming, when are we going again??? sometimes in school, i kind of miss the times we had together in school, somehow, i cannot talk to ppl as i speak to you all, its a different feeling altogether. oh... nj's ij seniors are really wonderful and nice, i've got 2 in my senior class. we're playing the angel anf mortal game only with the opposite gender... damn tough writing to a guy leh..... my class already has muggers! sigh.... ok, gotta eat lunch already, pls give opinion on my cca.... thanx...
goose in a dilemma.
Written on 2:53 PM
Mx's right, so's Aly.
First three months are definitely not honeymoon months. The workload is enough to kill me.To think I actually had to meet my study group to do homework, that's how bad it is..that's how much I lack discipline. To quote James "I never thought I'd have to come at this time of the year" but if it comforts anyone, we didn't do more than 1 question of chem for mel and read the first three lines of econs.
Moving on to Aly's point, I'm afraid what she said might come true. I dread the day when we all meet up just to stare at each other. No, I can't imagine that. We need common gossip topics, some exchange of information on our lives. That's where the blog comes in - post some gossip people, so that we'll all have something to talk about.
Sa...I'm glad you find the people there easy to talk to. It's nice to hear that you're able to assimilate after all those prejudice stories that we study during lit. I hope you feel a sense of belonging there soon...but don't forget about us.
I doubt I'll get into choir now, and I'm afraid of facing the results tomorrow. The conductor scolded me for not using a matured voice to sing during the second audition. Sighs. Getting scolded in front of the whole LT and my eyecandy isn't a very good thing. But...my voice is like that...what can I do? I don't have vocalist training, it's not like I aspire to become a singer or something. Oh just keep me in for pity's sake and I'll try to give you the matured voice you want...I'll try. Thankfully, I still managed not to go off pitch with my sore and immature voice. Keep me in for that reason, I beg of you.
Anyway, have I told you guys about that very gay and sissy guy in J1? Cj-ians probably know about him. For the rest, his name is Jeremy and he squeals like a bimbo when we play whacko, he talks like a bloody female and he acts like one. He's a soprano one in case you don't know. That's like higher than most of our voices...maybe Sa's a sop-1 too. Anyway, the conductor told him, during the audition to "USE YOUR MALE VOICE!". It was hilarious, I swear. The whole LT started sniggering. Some blatently laughing. I know it's mean, but in times like that, you just cant stop the smile from emerging. Jeremy's a nice guy/girl actually. So I'll try to be nice to him.
The weekend's ending and I dread going back to school I love my class but I seriously hate lectures and tutorials. On top of that, I still have a mountain of homework undone. Spare me the misery please.
I'll be buying new year's clothes today. Could we go out during the new year period? Oh are the 4/4 people going to Mr Ng's house? Do the 4/1 people want to come too? Pam, if you want to try out the flute or need help learning music, you can come over to my house ok?
Take care everyone! Till the day we all meet again (argh...dramatic)
celine the so-called singer without a voice
Written on 10:09 AM
hey ppl
Nice to hear you've all managed to find a cca and are settling down in ur respective jcs. hope your'll have made lots of new friends alr. anyways, my cousin brought my bro and i to his friend's house for some kind of gathering and to my surprise the ppl were actually quite friendly and easy to talk to. Before this I was so nervous of not being able to make friends but i hope it'll be as easy to make friends when school starts in like 1 weeks time and i hope school life will be easy and fun man. so anyway kel how did ur sis's wedding go ah? hope you're having fun in sydney. Alright talk to u guys soon then.cya
Written on 6:11 AM
hey guys.. finally the sunday is here. away from all the school, away from all the stress and complexities of life. Wells, i really have nothing else to say. School has robbed us of our every chance to go out. We have not been going out for the past few weeks. its hard to even meet up for a meal. Even then, we also have absolutely nothing to talk about during that particular meal. Times have changed, guess all of us have to just go with the current and try as hard to keep the friendship going.
Hey kel do take care of urself in australia! it's been a long time since we met! try as hard as u can to get me an ang moh boyfriend! I'm in need of it now.. now that cj has so few cute guys! argh!! have fun there!
and mel.. hope u are doing fine there. i do hope u can fit in right there. Taker care of urself! we'll be seeing u soon.. very soon. soon. soon. soon
Written on 1:21 AM
Saturday, January 21, 2006
first 3 months is NO honeymoon man.. talk about all of us facing new lifestyles, new friends, new environment
and of cos, a greater workload! i seriously thought it would not be soo bad, there would be like not much homework, the people would be english speaking and it would be so fun. i was wrong! we dun see ourselves slacking, getting attached, our timetables are filled with loads of activities. on top of that, it's like a turning pt in our lives where we would have to make loads of decisions! which cca to join, which combi to choose.. not to mention the expensive food in sajc, the super big compound that makes it almost impossible to find our way around school, so many exits that it's so difficult finding our way home too! pam and i are always lost, taking out the map to see the list of buses that would bring us back to tpc.
anyways. pam's in band and i'm in canoeing! not confirmed yet but most probably. canoeing is so much tougher than rc! we've to run 9 rounnds everyday, do 50 pushups, 50 crunches, 50 incline pull ups, 50 burpies! so tiring ok! the coach is really fierce too! but the people inside are really nice! so ya! keep going!
guess u guys might be facing many ups and downs in ur "new" life! must persevere ya? and keep us updated on whats going on in your lives! o ya, to u jc-ers and sa, start studying ya? after a few months, i think everyone would be going full steam and preparing for promos already. cjc-ians don't think that because everyone is slacking you can slack too! make sure you do well! then maybe all of us can enter the same uni, stay in hostel and bring the place down! Remember to trust in the Lord with all your heart and soul and lean not to your own understanding!
GHIS and NAO, you guys haven't blogged!!! haha. anyway ppl, take care ya? love you lots!
BIG hug (x7)
missing u guys truckloads,
mx e canoeist wannabe
Written on 11:31 AM
Hi guysthx for keeping me updated on cel's and nao's b'day celebration. I really wish I could have been there too cos it really seems like your'll had a great time man. oh wells, wad to do who asked me to move to aus. haha. anyway, Happy belated b'day Cel :) Oh and this blog is a really good idea man and it's really nicely done up too and i especially like the song and the different descriptions of each one of us. Anyway, looks like your'll are having quite a tough time in school eh apart from ghis and mx who seem to find jc life quite interesting. haha. but dun worry la i'm sure life in jc will get better once your'll get used to it. hope ypur'll find a nice cca to join soon and remember to tell me all about it k? Oh ya and when do ur'll usually go on msn ah? let me know k? do ur'll have skype?Sa
Written on 4:07 AM
Thursday, January 19, 2006
hey everyone! how you doing over there sa? great i hope! and so much for summer. the weather here is like 20 degrees. it's cold man. and i brought all the thin clothes...lol..and everything here is like so ex!!! argh!! cant buy so much stuff man. and MX and CELINE: im not getting married pls, it's my sis lah! but then again, there's quite a lot of cute guys here......lol.
okay guys, i'll post again soon. take care and have fun in school!!
Written on 7:15 PM
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
I'm beat!
Dead tired from a long day at school. Lectures are actually not bad, in my opinion, but I can't stand tutorials. Far too draggy. Anyway, sa and kelynn, if you guys haven't heard of my doughnut story, let me have the honour of telling you now.
I found a two doughnuts nicely wrapped up in a plastic bag on my table a few days ago, so I asked around the class to check if anyone had misplaced them. It sounded kinda sick actually..."Who lost your doughnuts?" hahaha. Ok...anyway, the point is, no one claimed them. So before a teacher walked in, I shouted, "If it doesn't belong to anyone I'm going to eat them." Nearing the end of the period, when I was secretely munching through half a doughnut, this guy in my class - Christian suddenly asked. "Did anyone see my doughnuts?" hehe. And to think he's my mortal in the *angel-mortal* game we were currently playing. *blushes at her stupidity*
Anyway, here's what happened today. He decided to offer me green tea cookies before I ate them without his knowledge again. :P
I'm currently in a horrible dilemma - should I or should I not sing for New Year's mass? I'm embarrassed to say that Mr Pang has requested for me to and I unwittingly agreed. Really...I didn't know what I was talking about. It happened like that -
After a 1 and a 1/2 hour GP diagnostic test...
Mr Pang: Celine, are you in choir?
Me (tired from the test): yes.
Mr Pang: Oh, you're officially in already?
Me (can't be bothered): Ya.
Mr Pang: Then can you sing for new year's mass because we need some catholics to volunteer.
Me(stupidly): Ok.
Mr Pang: I'll put your name down for you ok?
Me: Orh.
OMG. It didn't even register into my retarded head until school ended and I was on my way to town. WHAT THE HELL? I don't want to sing alone. I dragged fel and adeline(from my church choir) but I still don't want to sing. But........what am I going to tell my home tutor? "I'm sorry Mr Pang, but my mind works slower than others, so I didn't realise what you were talking about until I was walking out of school. Can I not sing?" Argh. Pure stupidity.
In case you didn't know yet sa, Aly and Nao are in fencing - for the moment. I'm in choir and there's this super gay guy who squealed like a damsel in distress when were playing whacko. He's in Aly's lectures and I think she'll gladly tell you more about him. Super funny. He's in Soprano -1, I tell you and poor old me in sop-2. My voice is lower than a guy's! Hilarious!
I just spotted quite a good looking guy in choir today (actually my friend spotted him, not me). haha. He's in J2 and is a bass. :) Looks kind of Anime-ish. His only flaw - he's short. Slightly taller than I am, shorter than my girl friend. But still good looking. He's one of the rare ones. Haha!
I don't know why I'm typing all this rubbish...but these are my latest gossips and I think it'll be fun if you guys knew about it:) Just for fun.
I've decided...I'm going to look for Mr Pang tomorrow and check if he's signed up for me yet. If he hasn't I'll tell him that I don't want to sing.
Oh...and one more thing before I go. This is the most ridiculous thing that happened today - Some girl from my class saw my name in the list of people who are supposed to go for the KI test! Like HUH?! (sa...KI stands for knowledge and inquiry. It's a new subject and it's like...the higher level of GP...general paper that is.)
JC life is absurd.
-exhausted celine-
Written on 9:58 PM
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I/WE MISS OUR LIVES! Jc is taking every single thing away from us. friends, relaxation, sanity, even time. Our lives have all gone bad. Australia has ald took sa away, now JC is taking our lives away. Well i guess life will never be fair for us.
Life is unfair. Why must life be unfair? This is so frustrating. Lectures and tutorials are all so freaking boring. Its teaing me apart! I wouldn't mind going through selvam's petty behaviour, Ng's constant pms, yvonne ng's ignorance, theodora tan's naggings, kuna's organisation and even jo teo's digression all over again.
Just get me out of here. Oh wells.. guess ill just have to live with it. what more can i do? Maybe it's only me. Why is there so many work to do?! i dun remember doing so much.
Written on 11:27 PM
here's a summary of what we did yesterday specially for sa and kel!
all of us were there with gek shan, sama, kelsey fel and edith. they took neoprint while waiting for us! pam had rhythmic gym tryouts and i had canoeing training. anyways, we went mache for dinner. sang like 3 birthday songs for cel, "may the good Lord bless you" song for kelsey and i think 1 bday song for nao. we received stares from everyone cos we were singing so loudly. totally madness man! wish u guys were there.
nao and cel the january pigs were not full so we adjourned to BK for more fries. then went home after that.
anyway sa, ghis is having a bad flu so please pray for her.
pam is debating which cca to join and the cjc people too.
hope your school is nice and everything rocks there!
BIG hug
-mx e canoeist
Written on 5:56 PM
Monday, January 16, 2006
rose gang for spending time with me today. And for the
beautiful present! Lovely! I put it on my table together with the confirmation present you guys gave me. But it looks like it's about to fall...so I'd better find somewhere else to put it! haha.
Thanks a lot babes. Love you, rose gang! Nao's birthday next. What are we gonna do?:P
Written on 10:28 PM
Sunday, January 15, 2006
wheeee! wow. this is cool! i haven't used blogger in ages.it's a cool way to communicate plus the nice layout and stuff! cel, i think the layout is really nice! the bear is so cute!
school's starting tmr. haha.
ooooooooh! sa is here too! cool! hello sa! blog leh.
take care everyone!
oh oh oh!! yeah almost forgot!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CEL AND NAO(retard and glutton)!love,
Written on 10:34 PM
hey everyone!
anyway the people taking BCME. do u want a copy of the syllabus? i'm not trying to be kiasu or studious here but my friend volunteered to print them for me so if you guys want can come and take from me.
sa! we miss u so so much. hope things are fine over there and do remember that you're always in our prayers so you must step out of your comfort zone, speak up and make as many friends as possible ya? love u loads!
happy birthday CEL!!-mx the canoeist
Written on 8:25 PM
Yay! now we can use this blog to communicate with sa!! Isn't this much better than emailing? But I had to lay down some lame ground rules. I doubt it's necessary anyway. Just felt like typing them out.
I'm dying from the thought that when I wake up tomorrow I'd have to complete a hellava homework - econs, lit, math, hist. Practically something from every subject. And I thought CJ would be a slack school. I hope you guys are enjoying your weekends better than I am!
Written on 12:46 AM
ground rules1. Don't tell anyone about this blog
2. Please indicate who posted an entry at the end of every post
hahaha. that's all for now I guess.
Written on 12:43 AM
i hate school it's ruining our lives. less gathering time less bonding sessions less of everything
Written on 12:26 AM