Saturday, February 25, 2006
oh no! the posting results are coming out this friday!!! and now, i'm so bogged down by homework and stuff to complete!!! sigh....noe what? there is unrest in my house. my dad wants my bro to go into ip, or take hmt again, which my bro doesn't want to. then he got his cousin,-my anutie to talk to the principal of ri to let my bro take the test for ip, so my bro is feeling rather pissed now.... pls offer your suggestions on what to do.... thanks.... it cannot make my auntie embarassed... thanks
Written on 1:16 PM
Thursday, February 23, 2006
sigh. i miss my days in IJ.
Written on 11:13 PM
Sunday, February 19, 2006
wow sa! 6 out of 8 is quite fast what, considering that you didn't swim competitively before. i'm sure you got lots of gifts during vday right? and just contemplating whether to go steady yet right? your dance lessons sound so damn fun man!!! if only i can enjoy that kind of privellage too!! jazz, not ballet leh... sa, i hope you dont go australia, and get so caught up with life there that you forget us k??? how r the chores and life at home? i think our hotel stay was fabulous, even though we were at times quite desperate for shows to watch. i certaintly enjoyed myself very much. well, imagine eating yu sang at 2am in the morning, having the manager to have to come and tell us to shut up, making a complete mess out of the whole room (mx has e pics of the room), watching half naked people sun bathe at the poolside from our window. WOW! i had a lot of fun!! thanks aly!!! so sad that pam and cel couldn't join us. we definitely wouldn't have a problem finishing e yu sang. 5 ppl eating a tray of yu sang meant for 8-10 ppl. sigh. mx and i were the sole survivors, but we still had a bowl left, which turned soggy by morning. hows school life there sa???? i think its rather disappointing that we didn't watch vcds like the other time in york hotel. nvm, next time. we start school tmr, returning to all the madness. i feel like i'm living 2 lives, one for weekday, and the other for the weekend+ij friends. Therefore, i'm always apprehensive whenever sunday night approaches. i officially start pft training on tues and am definitely NOT looking forward to it.........
ghislaine ;-)) -with a double chin
Written on 8:20 PM
Saturday, February 18, 2006
hey ppl
hope ur'll had a wonderful Valentines' day on tue:> So anyone got any presents from a secret admirer? haha. so i guess only mx and pam are changing jcs right? well all the best. hope the two of u both get into njc with ghis. And mei: ya I do have a web cam and microphone so hope to talk to u soon. you're probably more busy than me so u choose the time and day and let me know k? Oh u knw wad i'm starting dance classes today(jazz dance) its only $5 per class and u only have to pay when u go so ya can't wait to go for it later man. I hope it's fun though. My school had its swimming carnival on wed and i swam the breaststroke event which i came in 6 out of 8. So embarassing man. The ppl here are so fast. open day and the Arts festival are also coming up and i don'y know if i should sign up for dance and/or choir leh. sigh. anyway I dunno why my school is so enthu about all this stuff but oh well. so... have a good weekend. cya!!!
luv sa
Written on 5:23 AM
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
ghis, fret not man! we'll pray for u. i'm sure you will get in! even if u don't it's fate so dont be so worried...
kel, i don't care ok, u better get your ass into the hotel room latest by sat midnight... or else u owe all of us a treat to swensens or pizza hut or haagan daz....
anyway pam and i have made our choices...
1st: njc (like wth)
2nd: ajc (so bloody mugger...)
3rd: nyjc (chun cheng and ky again. haix!)
4th: cjc
it's going to be a horrible 2 years ahead...
anyway pam, thanks for always being there! sorry for the boring phone conversations, being late in the morning, teasing u and mj/ yeekai, my mommy not allowing me to go tjc.... i love you:)
missing ij loads,
Written on 1:16 PM
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
wa lao, i'm quit sad with my results la, like 6 pple in my class got 6 points la, with 1 of the top boys in my class too... sigh... many got numerous A1s.... i just completed the trial road run today, its 3.8km, but it didn't feel like it la.... oh, i really hope i can stay in nj, if not i'll be clueless on where to go!!! sigh.... the results really signify the start of a new chapter in our lives man... oh mx and pam, you all better decide quickly which jc are you going to apply for. sa, i feel so sad for you, you won't get half the money for your camera back. thats why i said that you should have staggered the results with money, so that you can at least get some money back... sigh
worried ghislaine
Written on 9:04 PM
Happy Valentines’ day peeps!!
Sa, you have a web cam and a microphone right? Can we settle a date and time then I can go online to talk to you please… haven’t seen you in ages. Hope you like everything there and are getting used to it! We miss u loads.
Kel! Good to hear that your sis’s sedding went well! Remember to bring the disc of photos for me ya? And u moron! Never go out with us on the day results were released. Pangseh-er! You better come on Friday! Or else…
Anyway Pam and I cannot make up our minds on which jc to go… I think after entering sajc for 1st three months, I somehow or another have a lot of insecurities for the next 2 years. Give me another 2 years in a similar environment and I think I’ll seriously go nuts. And there’s the route to poly (which aly strongly objects) to take nursing. if i can get the scholarship, I seriously do not mind taking nursing… what I’m afraid of is once I enter the course, then I’ll realize that maybe nursing is not for me, by then it would be too bloody late already. But I’m sick of studying, doing all those subjects which are mostly irrelevant to nursing in future. It would be nice for the govt to
pay me to study right?
I’ve not even got the scholarship yet… so maybe all that I’ve been rambling about makes no sense. But if I get it, it would mean 900 a month… then I can go buy clothes, get new wheels for my blades, perhaps change my ic and put my baptism name it, dont need to study my ass off too… but if I don’t go jc, I’ll be missing out quite a lot. They don’t have grad night in poly right? Or nafa tests? And maybe the boys there would be so ‘beng-ish’, I will never get to see the cute, dark and muscular j2 canoeists anymore. what's more, i would be totally clueless when you nj and cj people talk about the jc cirriculum. then it won't be the same anymore... :(
And I don’t know what He has in plan for me. I’ve been praying about it and I cant seem to hear the Lord. Sorry peeps, but please say a prayer for us ya? Thanks.
Have fun at your respective jcs/ poly/ high school/ whatever. Take care and keep the friendship going ya?
-mx e indecisive
Written on 12:49 PM
Saturday, February 11, 2006
hey guys
glad to here u all did quite well for ur o's. Congrates to u all especially the top scorers. haha. So how did our school do overall ah? Anyway, u probably heard from mx and ghis tt I got 15 pt.s. didn't get any A1's so quite bad la and i won't get the $300 from my parents so it's kind of sad. but oh wells, at least i won't have to use it. haha ok so be sure to tell me if any of u are changing schools k? Valentines' day is just around the corner so HAPPY VALENTINES' DAY ppl. oh and have a nice stay at the hotel!
missing u guys
Luv Sa
Written on 8:48 AM
Friday, February 10, 2006
Sa...our results.
Top scorers...all with 9 points (in alphabetical order)
The averagers:
Alycia - 12 points
Naomi - 12 points
Celine - 13 points
Kelynn - 16 points
Sa...could you add your name in wherever applicable. haha.
Darn. There's this sense of emptiness in me now. Numb- I feel like an empty box (or maybe a tofu) blank, emotionless, EMPTY. I don't know what's wrong with me. There's a in direction, a feeling of resignation and guilt.
I think I disappointed my parents a lot.
Written on 7:47 PM
Thursday, February 09, 2006
hello pple.
results tmr. it has just sunk in. shit. good luck to us all. may we all do well.
take care you all. god bless.
Written on 10:03 PM
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
hey people.. do u all mind having hotel stay this sunday. then cjc people pon on monday? or whoever wants to go to school go on monday?. can a not? its too late to call people now. BUt i have to book by tmr. so i hope u all are all free. I'm just going to book already. too bad
Written on 11:14 PM
Monday, February 06, 2006
I beg to differ. Aly mentioned - I think there's no HOLIDAYS in CJC's dictionary. Boohoo. I'm so upset. Even if we had, my mother would probably be so upset with me over my horrible results to let me stay over.
OH just let me whine. I hate the tension, the nervousness, suspense, the guessing...all just for a stupid piece of paper that determines the next two years of our lives.
At least you won't have to worry about it Sa.
Let's make arrangements after we get the results...
I hope I get to stay in CJ, did I mention, our choir's going to Europe at the end of the year!!
Take care everyone...Miss ya
Written on 8:38 PM
thank u. -alycia
Written on 8:38 PM
Sunday, February 05, 2006
hi!! ya, i agree with mx to have the hotel stay on the 4 days, thats if we even have 4 days... sa, whats happening with you ah?? why so long never blog, i thought that you should be the very free one? aly, pls la, we dont need the o level results to be released before we can go out together ok.... i'm so upset with you, i think of the rose gang at least once a day pk??? :( well, mx its good to hear that you're settling in now and finding something you enjoy so much. 60 girls? nj's canoeing is like short of girls la....
omg, i just took my height and weight on friday, during my first pe lesson. out of the only 8 girls in my class, i'm like the shortest and heaviest la! the 4 of us who are about the same height are definitely not around the same weight. everyone is below 50kg, even the girl who stands at 170cm tall! sigh.... it was also the first time of my life that i actually ran on lane 8 of the track! luckily it was only 2 rounds, the guys had to run 5 with timing... i'm really looking forward to the hotel stay... can we have vcds again pls??? pam, mx, and everyone who goes swimming, can we pls go swimming again somewhere sometime soon pls??? there's this guy in my class thats really VULGAR! sometimes i cannot take it la, there's also another one whos sick in the head.... what to do.... have you all got your pw groupings yet??? teh type of project that we must do is like mad la, its so unimaginable!!!!! can we have more pics on the blog pls???? my nephew kieran can sit up already, and today when my mom visited him, he had food all over his face!!!! so cute!!!! hows your angpao collection this year??? ok, gotta go for dinner, big hug and miss all loads!!! bye!
ghislaine-the unnerd
Written on 8:41 PM
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Hey! Good to hear that school has been great for you guys. Anyway I heard from my ct (form teacher) that all schools will be having at least a 4 day break after the O results come out. This holiday is designed such that when we go back to school, we will roughly know which school we have been posted to. How reliable is this I do not know, but if we have the holiday can we have our hotel outing on the 2nd and 3rd day? Must have potluck, go cycling at east coast, make the ring for sa’s bday and talk till we drop!
Anyway ever since I entered sajc, my opinion of cheena (sorry I don’t know how to spell it) people and Chiristians has changed drastically. Ever since I entered canoeing, the strength has been dropping significantly. We started with about 60 girls, and now we have only a pathetic 10. Through all the sufferings, we’ve bonded a lot. There’s this 4 girls who speak and guess what! They are actually quite normal.. haha.. Yesterday we were talking and laughing so much I nearly fell off the bench. Chinese people are not as Chinese and abnormal as I thought them to be. Christians are not that bad either, as long as they don’t persuade u to go to church and all that rubbish, I’m fine with it. They can be even nicer than Catholics!
RC peeps! This is the latest gossip I heard from Yvonne (cedar commander), Amdice, remember her? The girl who went for Nat camp with me, the one mich was complaining about, has skipped one year of school, this year, to concentrate on Red Cross.
Sa>> How’s school so far? Have you made a lot of friends? How about your brother? Can he walk? Take care ya? God bless u. BIG hug
Kel>> so which poly and course you planning to go ah? Take care and have fun working at your dad’s shop!-mx the canoeist wannabe
Written on 11:14 AM
it has been such a looooonnnggg time since i last posted an entry here. I hope everyone is doing fine? Anyway i so miss the rose gang. missing it so much. I am looking forward to getting o levels results.. you know why!?! cause it gives us a chance to finally go out together after soo long.
As we go about in our jc, college work, i must really confess, the rose gang hardly come into my mind. Not like i forgot about it, i am just so tired with all the stuff that's going on. I'd rather not think about it. I miss going out with the rosegang with the people of the same sex, to just chat and laugh again. even that we are unable to do. There always seem to be a lack of topics to talk about.
Well a test of friednship perhaps? stay strong. love rg loads. more than anything.
Written on 2:01 AM
Friday, February 03, 2006
Nobody's been posting lately, but I hope everyone's been fine. When I read your entry, Sa, I had such a good laugh...If I were there, I'd never have lived through the day. haha. Chinese new year was great! Lots of Ang Baos, gambling, fun and laughter. Did you celebrate cny there sa?
Anyway, when's the hotel stay? I wanna go!!
Written on 11:02 PM