Sunday, July 30, 2006
hey, this is like e first time that i can really go online in a loong time. life has been sooooo shity these past few weeks!! well, at least aly and mx are enjoying themselves in uk, or at least since they are on e plane, going to enjoy themselves in uk. life is unfair. aly, mx, i hope you read this soon to realise just how lucky you all are. we just had a principal analysis of the entire cohort's common test results, and i think i'm really starting to wonder whether i can get promoted. after the common test, my days are getting longer, due to the extra lessons and remedials.... like what the shit!
oh whatever! i guess life's like that everywhere. jus dunno when everything will start to take a slower pace. i feel like i'm rushing my whole life, typical of a city-dweller.
aly, mx, pls teell us abt ur wonderful life in the stress-free uk!!! :)
i must say this, pw really sucks as there are countless DEADLINES to meet! :)
luv ghis
Written on 8:00 PM
Thursday, July 27, 2006
hello everyone! long time no seee!
I've rather busy with sch lately. Lots of projects, just done with 2. another one on tuesday. after that i'll be mugging for my exams alr! it'll be in about mid-august period. but after that, it'll be my 6weeks break! woohoo! im so looking forward to that!
anw, i gtg babes! u guys take care alright? hopefully we'll see each other soon!
love yall loads!
Written on 5:06 PM
Thursday, July 20, 2006
hello my dears!!!
been a long time since i've blogged. i apologise for my laziness. well yeah, aly's right. results suck so bad. arghh=( time to buck up!!! oh well.. i wanna go back to ij! i miss it alotalot!! i miss everyone too. like most of us are in the same sch.. but i hardly see you all around, maybe only mx and cel every morning in the car but i'm always too sleepy to talk. oh well.
i want another hotel stay!! funfun=)
take care everyone yeah?? love you guys like crazy!! although we don't see each other so often, i'll always remember teh crazy times we had together.
oh and ghis don't be so stressed yeah! i'll give you a head massage if i see you anytime soon! muacks!
Written on 10:59 PM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
heyy! it has been a looonnnggg time since any of us last blogged!i guess it is difficult to do so as life just gets busier and busier every moment of every day. Oh wells, this is life, what do you expect. Basically, all jc ppl are crushed with the bad results of the mid years. when i say bad, its really bad. like freaking bad. but it is alright. the thing about failing is that u have to see ur sch. so cj ppl flunking their exams are really in deep shit. while ghis is on safe track as failing in njc is a thousand times better den failing in cjc. sorry, i am super stone right now, so half the time i dont know what the hell i am talking about.
anywaes this is wad i have been doing these days

Written on 10:51 PM
Monday, July 17, 2006
hey people!
guess all of us are so busy there's no time to update on our lives. but it's okay, as long as u're happy, safe and sound it's alrighty!
kel for returning me the ipod!
mel! i miss u loads, it felt so good talking to you ytd. take care ya? we love you!
ghis! hang in there alrighty? we love you too!
Written on 9:55 PM
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Hi guys! i'm back from my gold coast trip and school's starting in like 4 days time. sigh. anywayz gold coast was really fun, but the 20 hour drive was really exhausting man. the temperature there was just nice, except for the first few days when it kept raining and we were stuck in the apartment with nothing much to do.Movie world was really fun and there's this newest and scariest roller coaster ride there called Superman Escape and it looks soooo scary man with a vertical drop from about 6 stories high. At first my cousin and i were too scared to sit it but we finally got the courage and thought tt since we were alr at movie world it would be a waste not to sit the best ride there so we finally did it and it was really good man.Besides movie world we also went jet skiing and stuff but mostly shopping cos somehow the things there were all on sale!haha!Anywayz i'm really glad tt ur'll had a good time at the magnificent Shangri-la hotel, but seriously those pics look so wrong man.haha.Hope u all did well for ur exams guys and all the best with school.Oh and ghis sorry i didn't reply ur email about the skype thingy but I only read the email on like fri night and by tt time I figured u probably wouldn't get my reply on time anyway so ya.Oh wells, maybe we can do it some other time(hopefully). oh and u look gd without ur braces ghis!
kk I gtg to bed now!Miss ya loads!!!TC!
Luv Sa
Written on 9:21 PM
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Just making an announcement.
We have officially finished our exams!!:)
We are feeling youthful,happy,invigorated(pardon me if my spelling is wrong), delighted, relieved.................................................................
...... at leasr until we get back our results and the shit monotony of school starts again. :(
:> ghislaine
Written on 12:01 PM