Wednesday, September 27, 2006
hey guys! miss us just so much! was just talking to pam and nao this afternoon after tuition, this was what happened
(pam picks up nao's fone and looks through contacts [cox thats the only thing her fone allows her to do])
pam: naomi, who's life guard?
nao: i dont know.
(3 of us stoned, for quite a while and then burst out laughing)
Do u remember the time nao stabed her feet?
do u rememeber the life guard who smoked?
do you remember kelynn falling downt he slope whilst carrying nao?
do you remember the panic attack that was going through our minds at that point in time?
do you remember mx insanly shouting to nao " you better pull it out yourself or i'll yank it out myself!" (which is undoubtly the wrong treatment) PS the word is "yank"
do you remember how we ran barefooted with our soles bare on the burning rock floor?
do you remeber nao's howls for pain to leave
do you remember the wait at the a &e
do you remember the kaya toaasts and milk tea that made us all feel like vomitting?
That aside,
do you rememebr the bbq parties where we went wild
the sentosa chalet where we said goodbye to mel in our own little way
the pathetic half an hour recesses
the hotel stays where being nude counts
the day mel left us alone in singapore
do you remember how close we were.
yes, indeed we were that close.
Written on 1:32 AM
Sunday, September 24, 2006
hey guys, this is e final leg of the race, at least for you all. well, good luck and do not give up!!! i repeat, do not give up!!! think of all e wonderful hotel stays, shopping trips, swimming fun and bingeing we can do after this... well i don think you all will have time to read this, but maybe sa will and she will be so envious that she'll come back soon. :)
oh sa though you don have promos, but don slack also ok???? :)
love ghis ::))
Written on 8:17 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Hey guys!
I really miss u all too! Guess wad! We just bought our new house and we'll be moving in in December, so can't wait for u guys to come and visit and u can all stay at my house foc haha. I'll make sure the house is neat and tidy for ur visit. (haha ya right, it'll probably still be messy but i'll try to make it as nice as possible k) yup so just let me noe if u wanna come visit k? haha.
Luv Sa
Written on 2:44 PM
Monday, September 18, 2006
i miss u!! hehe. just wanna say
I LOVE YOU!God bless, and i hope everything's fine there. talk soon ya? and i dun care, we must visit u next yr!
Written on 5:42 PM
Friday, September 08, 2006
Hope u had a great b'day celebration with everyone else yesterday and I'm sure all the others were there, especially since attendence was compulsary. haha. So you're finally 17 just like all of us. haha hope u enjoy beimg 17 while u can. Anyway ghis, I really wish I could go back to IJ too especially to see the new school. It looks really nice in some pics that I saw. haha. kk tc guys and all the best for promos, although i dun really noe wad tt means. haha. miss ya. cya:)
Written on 9:48 PM
Friday, September 01, 2006

hehe. just an announcement to make! we'll be celebrating aly's bday on THURSDAY, 7 SEPT 2006! anyway we'll be meeting at orchard mrt station at 530pm! woohoo~
attendance is compulsory!!
remember these pictures? gives u a better reason to turn up!
Written on 9:56 PM