Tuesday, October 31, 2006
it's been quite awhile since I've blogged here!
it's great to see that everyone's getting on so well!
SA!! your brother is super cute! I want to carry him!!
and yes, ghis is super skinny - I saw her on the bus the other day! And it's not fair because I'm putting on more weight than I should. In addition, I'll be going to Prague in less than a month's time, I'll probably come back the size of a sumo wrestler!
and yes, ALY AND MX are too much, both have boyfriends but they didn't tell me only till the other day. Those two are full of crap!
Anyway, about our outing - I was thinking, can we go to Sentosa? I want to tan before going off to prague. Do you think it's possible? Can you guys still recall what happened last year? When we went to Sentosa dressed in tubes and bikinis only to end up walking in the rain? hiliarious. I miss those days!!
Written on 7:38 PM
Saturday, October 28, 2006
How can mx and aly not tell us they have bf alr man! haha so which one's aly's bf? the one right in front ah? What's hid name leh? haha sry ah I noe i very KPO one. Oh and mx, show us a pic of ur bf too leh! haha. Anyway... glad to know u all got promoted ( congrats) and gd luck for ur chinese exam. I just had my Chinese oral last week and it was alrite. Thank goodness the examiners here are so friendly man. To ghis: I'm sure you're like super skinny now la! Oh ya so how's ur nephew? I'm sure he'll learn to talk soon. Can he say any word at all? Baby Julian's starting to take his first few steps but he's still quite unstable. It's so weird how different babies master different things first hor haha tell me when he starts talking k? So are all of u guys exams over yet? Mine's just starting next week man. so sian :( haha
LUV sasa
Written on 10:15 PM
How can mx and aly not tell us they have bf alr man! haha so which one's aly's bf? the one right in front ah? What's hid name leh? haha sry ah I noe i very KPO one. Oh and mx, show us a pic of ur bf too leh! haha. Anyway... glad to know u all got promoted ( congrats) and gd luck for ur chinese exam. I just had my Chinese oral last week and it was alrite. Thank goodness the examiners here are so friendly man. To ghis: I'm sure you're like super skinny now la! Oh ya so how's ur nephew? I'm sure he'll learn to talk soon. Can he say any word at all? Baby Julian's starting to take his first few steps but he's still quite unstable. It's so weird how different babies master different things first hor haha tell me when he starts talking k? So are all of u guys exams over yet? Mine's just starting next week man. so sian :( haha
LUV sasa
Written on 10:15 PM
Friday, October 27, 2006
WHAT!!!!! aly, and mx have a bf and they didn't even tell me la!!!!!! OMG!!!! what sort of friends are you all man!!! :( yeah mx, then, e indonesian scholars did all e work la, and only until now you start feeling guilty, btw, e new shopping mall tat you are talking about is vivocity. aly must be frustrated tat her life revolves around pw, and nothing else. btw, if you all are thinking of a stayover, y not a chalet? my mom can book one at downtown east. but its not an entire house though, just a room. haha... that seems rather far fetched at this point in time. my entire life now revolves around pw, chinese and trainings la. i jus had training for 3 consecutive days, and luckily they cancelled tmr's one, if not i will break. i feel like i'm doing most of the work for pw la, my grounp mates are super slack, super last minute and dont seek to improve on ppt slides la!!! :( oh are anyone of you watching princess hours recently? ok then, back to doing pw.
ps: to all those doing chinese as this coming friday, pls study hard.
Written on 3:52 PM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Hello ppl!
im back here again.
anyways, promos has just ended and congratulations to all of us we all promote!! woots!
yayy, another year of our pathetic life in jc.
anyway, lets meet up soon ppl, it has been a long time since we last caught up with each other. PERhaps, hotel, shopping, movie and stuff like. u noe there are loads of things to update ourselves on; one is for example, mx's new bf and stuff. yeahh its terrible how u can move on with life w/o even kowing tt your friend has moved on w/o telling u! wad the hell.
ya ok wadeva, see u all soon good bye.
wad a meaningless post.
Written on 8:18 PM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
haha, what made u all think that i wrote that nostalgic post? it was aly by the way who wrote all that! haha, i was laughing so hard when i was reading it, and then somehow or another i felt this empty feeling inside. o well, it's high time to i move on!
anyway jc life right now revolves around pw. after the initial promo results shock, and the thing about promotion, everything has to do with pw. cjc doesnt really care whether chinese As are next week anot, the world revolves round pw. it's the essence of life- OP.
and op is all about video editing, ppt design, script design, animation making. haha, u guys remember we had to do something like that last year? i didnt even touch that video editing thing and i freaking do not know what's going on! i think i'm getting my retribution now!
anyway sa, there's this HUGE shopping centre that just opened recently. it's opposite sentosa, and has like few hundred shops. quite cool really, cos the cinema has fantastic seats. it's so huge it's just like a playground. haha, imagine the elevators as like some scary heights thing thing and the escalators as huge slides and all the shops as toys... hahaha!
here's a pic we took! spot aly's boyfriend!
Written on 11:40 AM
Saturday, October 14, 2006

hey ppl!!!
How were ur promos? (by the way wad exactly r promos ah?) Anyway hope u all did really well for it even though i'm sure u will. haha. My exams r stating soon and I have my chinese VCE oral exam on tue. die man. I was just looking at all the pics again and i'll never forget all the wonderful times we had together. I just wish we could turn back time. sigh. My bowling's still as erratic as ever and no I haven't got 250 yet but i wish i could. haha. Baby julian can say oh oh, i dun noe and mum mum now and he's still learning new words. He starting to walk now although he's not tt stable yet. Oh and ghis: I only wish mx's dream was true man but unfortunately i haven't lost weight unlike u. haha. heard ur're really skinny now right.
kk hope to see u guys soon. beg ur parents to let u come next year k?
Luv sa
Written on 8:27 PM
Friday, October 06, 2006
hey guys!! hows life lately? how does e taste of freedom feel like? Reading mx's latest entry brought back a wave of nostalgia. Life seems radically different from what we were going through just a year ago!
Remember the times of night study, receiving our prelim results, hoping for endless moderations, e post exam activities, and the wave of prelim papers from other schools? those seemed terrible at that point in time, but at least its far better than what we're going through now and we had each other with sa around! It suddenly feels like i've been through so much, grown, more mature? maybe wiser? a little more cynical and pragmatic? but jus only a bit older. somehow i feel as if i've aged a lot, not physically i guess, but mentally maybe.
sa, mx had a dream one day that you'd lost a lot of weight! i seriously do hope its happening in reality! hows your bowling lately? hit 250 yet? what about your brother? should be able to walk at this time already right? talked already?
btw, i think we're going to visit next year. mx keeps ranting on and on about it...............
lots of luv
Written on 5:08 PM