I read a note my grandma wrote back in 1923
Grandpa kept it in his coat and he showed it once to me
He said," Boy you might not understand, but a long long time ago
Grandma's daddy din like me no one, but I loved your grandma so
We had this crazy plan to meet, and run away together
Get married in the first town we come to and live forever
But nailed to the tree where we supposed to meet instead
i found this letter and this is what it said
*If you get there before I do, don't give up on me
I'll meet you when my chores all through, I don't know how long I'll be
But i'm not gonna let you down, Darling wait and see
But between now and then till I see you again
I'll be loving you..love me
I read those words just hours before my grandma passed aways
In the doorway of a church where me and grandpa stopped to ray
I know I never seen him cry in all my fifteen years
But as he said those words to her
His eyes filled up with tears
* And between now and then till I see you again
I'll be loving you... love me

Monday, November 20, 2006


mx and pam here! i'm still in mx's house now cos my dad ain't here. mx wants to sleep. haha.

anyway, outing today was good albeit unproductive.


we should have another outing soon okayy? maybe when cel returns and nao is free. lol.
then ghis would need to find a new excuse to pon her beloved research.

anyway, good news for everyone, GHISLAINE CAN NOW USE MSN! that means we can talk to her more often! teehee. oh well, there's a first time for everything.

well, enjoy the rest of the holidays. more outings yeahh!

<3Mx the blur and pam the smart:)

Written on 11:19 PM

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

OMG!!!!!! WHAT PICTURE WAS THAT!!! OH MAN!!!! i cannot believe what i'm seeing!!!! you all look absolutely horrible, and i almost didn't recognise nat la... aly, and mx, your skirts were too short to look like real nerds la! i guess it must have really been horrible huh?

whoowoo!!!! i'm so happy!!! PW's over! what a year it has been, submitting all the bloody documents and meeting endless deadlines!!! i felt a huge sigh of relief the minute i finished my op presentation at 2.52pm today, not ot mention that the computer almost died on us. we were e las group of the day la!!! i just hope my group is not penalised compared to the rest of my class tmr, as i got ip teachers as examiners, (e rest of groups were all ip!!) while they'll get mainstream teachers. the worst thing is that they hate my group cos someone ws late for audience duty, and another's hp went off halfway!!! OH MAN! my group's marks will be an anomaly, a horrendous anomaly compared to the rest of my class. i jus hope this does not happen, that we get all the same teachers to ensure standardisation of marking.

oh well, if you guys wan some form of chalet at the end of the year, must confirm a date first then ask my mom to book. if not later book ald, then no one go.

ps: i need a crash course on windows live messenger, then can talk to sa and all of you.

hugs ghislaine

Written on 9:55 PM

Sunday, November 05, 2006

haha! it's true that aly has a bf! and all that nonsense about me is totally untrue! haha.

GHIS! don't be so sad ya! life goes on man, u heard of that silver lining on every cloud? yupp, life goes on, and it'll get better! o ya, and remember the stupid passage (Chinese A level) on some luck thing? yupp!

PW's going to be over in a week's time. WOOHOO!!!! so we can all meet up after that! let's go sentosa to tan, vivocity to watch movie, then have a sleepover. and GHIS! if u can get a chalet, all the better! or maybe we can go island creamary!!

this is what we looked like while studying for promos! hahaha!

Written on 12:49 PM

Friday, November 03, 2006

hey guys!! how was chinese As? I did something really horrible today, and you really wont believe what a low iq i have man!!! As guys know, we were given extra time for the paper today, and stupid me, thinking that i had so much time took my own sweet time and eventually couldn't finish the paper! i cannot believe what i did la, and have yet to get over it. there goes my A!!!! OH MAN! i'm feeling so horrible now!!!! pray for me k guys??? jus hope my answers are quality enough to make up in the quantity segment.

we also had training today after chinese, what a horrible thing right? Guess what? we trained at bishan park. the other day, we had it at the padang there. so cool right? however training today was anything but cool. Not to mention the pouring weather, but the field was soaked, and we were soaked form head to toe, inside as well as outside. We really looked a sight! moreover it was super long today, and am itching now cos of my allergy to grass. To add on to our woes, the toilet for us to wash up is located quite a distance away, and was totally disgusting! i hope you guys are not reading this before dinner, it'll probably kill your appetite. the toilet cubicle had fresh shit inside and there was an impenetrable stench that accompanied it. moreover it was filled with mud and grass because of us. I think i never felt so worse, it compounded my woes, and i had to miss my bus on my way home la!!! WHAT A HORRIBLE DAY!!!!!

3/11/2006 is truly a day i think i will never forget, albeit all for the wrong reasons. i really jus hope that everything will turn out fine eventually.

ps: cel, regarding the outing, i think my mom can book a chalet in sentosa, and if we really wanna to it, maybe before mx and aly go for oversea cip or after they come back but before u go la. dont worry, u wont even become a sumo, not even remotely to resemble a pig. unless ur pig is a skinny pig. pls, i'm still definitely FAT!!! my fat index is like super high la!!!!

ghislaine :(

Written on 10:29 PM